
Wool, Skein, and Garment Competition

General Information

Location: Indoor Arena in the Farm Bureau Building (Located near the dairy barn and fiber arts building)

Entry Submission Times: Friday 3pm-5pm and Saturday 9am- 10am.

Time of Judging: 11am on Saturday. Judging will be open to the public.

Entry Pickup: Entries MUST be picked up by 3pm on Saturday April 12th.

Judge: To be announced soon.

General Rules

  1. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to select the proper class and division for each of their entries.
  2. The Judge holds to right to adjust, combine, or split classes based on entries. All judge’s decisions are final.
  3. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to properly prepare each of their entries according to competition guidelines. Please read all rules and requirements for each category, class, and division.
  4. Every effort will be taken to display and care for all entries. The Greencastle Wool Show, its volunteers, and Putnam County Fairgrounds, are NOT responsible NOR will they assume any responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen items.
  5. All entries must be claimed by 3pm on Saturday April 13, 2024. Any entry not claimed by the above stated time will be disposed of at the discretion of The Greencastle Wool Show Committee.
  6. Entry deadline is as follows:
    3pm-5pm Friday and 9am-10am on Saturday. Judging will be open to the general public, and will begin promptly at 11am on Saturday. Please refrain from directing questions to the judge until all classes have been fully judged.
  7. Awards and placings will be presented as follows:
    • Awards will be presented for Best In Show, Best of Fleece, Best of Skein, Best of Garment, and Judge’s Choice.
    • Ribbons will be presented to places first through third in each class or division.
  8. Pictures of all entries may be used for promotional purposes in both printed and social media advertisement.
  9. All judge’s decisions are final. Please be respectful toward the judge at all times. Awards are given based on the merit of the submission and on the judge’s choosing. Awards are not given by default.

Fleece Classes

Class A – White Fleece

Division F – Fine

Division D – Dual-coated

Division M – Medium

Division L – Longwool

Division C – Course

Class B – Natural-colored Fleece

Division F – Fine

Division D – Dual-coated

Division M – Medium

Division L – Longwool

Division C – Course

Category: Exotic Fibers Class

Includes, but not limited to, Alpaca, Llama, Mohair, and Angora (rabbit)*
* Angora rabbit fleece entries must be minimum of one ounce raw fiber, uniformly displayed, preferably in a small, shallow box.

Fleece Class Rules

  1.  Judging criteria will be based on the suitability of the fleece for hand spinning, and its consistency with the breed standard of its type.
  2. All fleece entries must be from the current year’s growth crop (within the last year). and have been owned by the exhibitor at the time of shearing.
  3. Each fleece must be clean and free of chaff, burrs, tags, and second cuts. They must be skirted and in a clear plastic bag. An entry tag will be provided by the show committee with an exhibitor number, and must be affixed to the fleece.
  4. One entry form may be filled out for all fleeces entered. A limit of two fleeces per person or farm may be entered per category.
  5. The judge has the right to remove any fleece from the competition for failure to meet the above listed criteria.

Skein Classes

Class A – Singles

Division 1 – Thin, 30 WPI or greater

Division 2 – Medium, 14 – 29 WPI

Division 3 – Bulky, less than 14 WPI

Class B – Natural-colored Fleece

Division 1 – Thin, 30 WPI or greater

Division 2 – Medium, 14 – 29 WPI

Division 3 – Bulky, less than 14 WPI

Class C – Art or Novelty

Includes, but not limited to, boucle, beaded, spiral, slub, cable, lockspun, corespun, and thick/thin yarn styles.

Class D – Novice

Spinning 18 months or less, any type of fiber blend, single or plied, any style yarn. Novice spinners entered in this class MAY NOT enter any other open skein class.

Class E – Homegrown Skein

Exhibitor must have owned the fiber producing animal at the time the fiber was harvested. Fiber must have been hand-processed by the exhibitor, no mill-processed rovings or batts.

Skein Class Rules

  1. A maximum of two entries per class, per exhibitor.
  2. All skeins must be handspun by exhibitor within the last 12 months.
  3. Skeins must be loosely tied in four figure eight ties.
  4. Skeins of singles must weigh a minimum of one ounce. Skeins of 2 or more plies must weigh a minimum of two ounces.
  5. No commercial yarns may be used.
  6. One entry form may be completed for all skein entries.
  7. The judge has the right to remove any skein from the competition for failure to meet the above listed criteria.

Garment Classes (Any Finished Good)

(All yarn used for these entries must have been hands-on by exhibitor, except for Class D and Class G)

Class A – Large Wearable

Division 1 – Knitted

Division 2 – Crocheted

Class B – Natural-colored Fleece

Division 1 – Knitted

Division 2 – Crochet

Class C – Baby / Children’s Article

Division 1 – Knitted

Division 2 – Crochet

Class D – Cottage

Handspun yarn used by exhibitor but NOT spun by exhibitor. Exhibitor may use any technique to create entry piece. Name of handspinner must be included on entry form.

Class E – Woven Wearable

Class F – Felted Wearable

Class G – Novelty – Any fiber art item that is NOT a wearable

Items in this class include any fiber art piece that is NOT a wearable. Any technique can be used. Techniques may consist of but are not limited to needle and wet felted, woven, knitted, crochet, etc. All items must be made by the exhibitor.

Garment Class Rules

  1. A maximum of two entries per class, per exhibitor.
  2. All skeins must be handspun by exhibitor within the last 12 months.
  3. All entries must be clean, odor-free and in good condition.
  4. All entries must be made from yarns handspun by the exhibitor, only exceptions are the Cottage and Novelty classes. Felted entries may use handspun yarn, rovings, fiber locks and other natural fibers. Novelty entries can utilize handspun yarns, roving, batts, locks, and other natural fiber and related materials to the fiber arts.
  5. No commercial yarns may be used.
  6. One entry form may be completed for all garment entries.
  7. The judge has the right to remove any garment from the competition for failure to meet the above listed criteria.